Ribbon Animals

Ribbon Animals are one of the most unique ways to introduce value to form. I absolutely loved teaching this lesson! Now I cannot take credit for the creation of the lesson, I stole it from the internet. I tried tracing back to give credit where credit is due, but could not find a name. I wanted the students to truly understand how value creates a form, and thought that this would be the best way for the group of students that I have.  I had already discussed value with the students and did a demonstration in class on how to create a form from a shape. For example, a sphere from a circle. I had the students do independent work as well to make sure that they truly understood value as a form. The link to the homework worksheet is here. I also have a value worksheet that I had the students do to understand form a little better, here is the link. Also, the link to find the materials, standards, directions and duration of the project is provided in the link here. If you keep scrolling you will find some examples from my student's work. They take their own pictures of their work an upload them to artsonia to keep a working digital portfolio.
