What is STEAM?

So what is a STEAM education? STEAM is taking the idea of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and adding the idea of art/design to the concept. It was created to  assist those that have a naturally artistic nature. It takes the STEM idea to a higher level of learning. There are many organizations for STEM learning because it is pushing students in science and mathematical fields, which is marvelous, but why not add the creative twist to the concept. You can find at Education Closet some of the differences further explained. 

I will be working as an art teacher but I am certified to teach math. I wanted to utilize my love of multiple subject areas to encourage each of my students to have many interests. After I decided that I wanted to take my enrichment courses in the STEAM direction I went to the web to do some research. There are loads of information on what you can do with STEM but not with STEAM. STEAM is a rising program within our nation alone, but we need to further this idea. The STEM to STEAM webpage has a global map that they are keeping track of STEAM programs, it's really interesting actually. In this page of my blog I will be sharing information on how to do lessons or how you can modify pre-existing lessons to the STEAM format. If you have any lessons, idea, strategies that you want to share I would be more than happy for you to share them with me and maybe even try them!
