My first classroom: Bulletin Board ideas

I don't mind changing my bulletin boards, as long as it was every couple months. I didn't want to put the time and energy into changing them when I knew that I could put that time into creating a better project. With that being said I changed my bulletin board 4 times. Every quarter had a different board. The first was following the theme for the school. The theme was super hero's. I speak more on this in the post about the beginning of the year decorations. Below is a picture of the bulletin board though!

The next bulletin board I created was the polar express. I collaborated with the third grade teachers a little bit on this. The other teachers had mentioned that they have the third graders watch that movie in their classroom. So I decided that is was a great idea to use our gold slips as golden tickets. The gold slips were a behavior incentive at our school and every kid wanted them. below is a picture of the bulletin board and a picture of the train that I had made on the door. The students loved the connections that were being made. Even though not every grade was watching the polar express at school they understood the reference.

The third bulletin board I did was a world map with a key. I decided to do art around the world. I taught the students how to use the key and what color their star would be. The stars were a different color for each grade and where the stars were placed represented where they working on art from. If you want more information on my process you can go to the post located here. I collaborated with the librarian, pe, and music for the students to get a rounded knowledge of the culture and country. On my door I placed speech bubbles on how to say hello in different languages. 

The last bulletin board I created was for the last days of school. The students all had countdowns in their classrooms and were excited for summer break. I was trying really hard not to count down the days so I wanted to turn it into something fun that I knew the kids would enjoy. I was able to introduce the kids to Keith Haring because they loved the figures on the bulletin so much. It was super easy to make. I just used tempra paint on the paper, I didn't draw anything out before starting the bulletin.
